Now & then musings and meditations,

Responding to inspirations and invitations

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

OSI Prompt #55: Farewell

This week, my daughter and I have been working to clean out the beloved house we called home for 31 years. We made the difficult decision to prepare it for sale. So this week's prompt is timely.

Scrubbing windows in
this empty winter house,
memories echo here,
music, laughter, tears -
let the blessed light in!

Bare old plum tree
through the bedroom window,
split so deep now --
will you bloom again?

Closing my eyes, I see
your spring blossoms, white petals
pirouetting down,
chickadees nesting in the hole
under your precarious branch --
the one my grandfather trimmed
and patched so many years ago

Late summer, mouth and
baskets full of yellow plums,
then copper and gold leaves
litter the ground, stars appear
like Christmas lights in your branches

One moonlit snowy
night, two fawns, two does appear;
ears upright, eyes bright,
standing beneath your branches -
I held my breath!

Monday, March 9, 2009

OSI - Prompt #54: Fork in the Road

The good road, and the
road of difficulties cross;
that place is holy

Holy is the place
we begin again in the
broken heart of now

Now stepping on an
unknown path, seeking only
to be whole again

Do you sometimes encounter ideas that hit you with such force that they immediately penetrate your psyche and become part of the fabric of how you see the world? Perhaps even become a kind of spiritual talisman that you return to again and again? This week's prompt brought to mind two such ideas for me. The first was revealed to me in a prayer spoken by the Ogala Sioux medicine man, Black Elk, in Black Elk Speaks, by John Neihardt (paraphrased in the first stanza.) The idea that when we come to a place in our lives where we are faced with this kind of soul-compelling choice -- that it is a holy place --has stayed with me all my life. The second talismanic idea attached itself to this one, and came when I learned that the words 'whole', 'healing', and 'holy' all share a common Sanscrit root.

Monday, March 2, 2009

OSI Prompt 53: Circles

Happy 1st Anniversary OSI! Here is an older piece, written nearly 14 years ago, the night before the birth of my first grandchild. My daughter had already named her, Sequoia. I presented this poem to her on her 13th birthday last summer, as part of a 'coming of age' collection of writings that my daughter put together for her.

To Sequoia, under the Full Moon

Standing now
as I did then, window-framed,
body carved in moonlight,
soul lit with wonder --
Then, at the edge of my girlhood,
unspoken, unseen, unimagined possibility
beginning to dawn within.

Full moon floods the sky tonight,
blanketing now
child of my womb --
ripe now, ready to begin
a new circle.

Now, on the eve
of my grand-mothering -- this too
unknown, unimagined possibility,
this grandmother body
still encircling (not enclosing) my own babe,
her womb full of potentiality,
reality, already named (before the dawn)
Sequoia ('close to God')...

I am woman,
now under the full moon
womb full of wonder,
grandmother to be.