Now & then musings and meditations,

Responding to inspirations and invitations

Friday, January 16, 2009

OSI Prompt #46 - Summer's Day

Late start this week! I confess that the prompt did not compute at first -- with lots of old snow and ice in the yard, 'a summer's day' seemed out of reach. But then........ I remembered all that sleeps under the ground. I felt how tired I am, and how much I need to rest. So I took a nap today, and what was on my mind when I awoke was the yin / yang symbol. This was what came out of the prompt and reflections. (You may need to click on the image to be able to read it.)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Prompt 45: Skin

It has been a year and a half since my mother passed on. I have many precious memories of the time spent with her after she moved here to be closer to family. Among my favorites are the ways my granddaughters spent time with her.

aged hands, once slender
and graceful..... lemon lotion,
tiny hands, big smiles!

Then there are the memories of first contacts with your own grandchildren:

rose petal sweetness
lips to cheek, grand baby in my
arms - time, stand still!

And the daily contact that sweetens the day......
sweet breath on my cheek
lapping like waves on the shore
of the dawning day

Friday, January 2, 2009

Prompt 44: Stardust

This is my first entry in response to a 'OneSingleImpression' prompt. (In fact, it's been a very long time since I posted here at all!) The 'Stardust' prompt immediately recalled my daughter's story about her five-year-old daughter, Gaia, who awoke one morning still half in her dream, stardust in her mouth. These are the words she spoke. (Click on the image to see it & her words at a higher resolution.)

Here is the link if you would like to explore the haiku prompt site: OneSingleImpression.